AWS Your Personal Adobe Premiere and Media Encoder Studio in AWS Easily create your own high-performance Adobe Premiere edit workstation and dedicated Adobe Media Encoder machine in the cloud (poor-man's version).
AWS Zero Downtime Deployment with AWS Elastic Beanstalk and CodePipeline Deploy your Dockerized application across a fleet of EC2 instances using AWS Elastic Beanstalk's zero-downtime rolling deployment.
Machine Learning Neural Network Architecture for Detecting Traffic Signs Design a convolutional neural network to classify traffic signs. Starting with the LeNet architecture and improving its generalization and accuracy.
Machine Learning Vehicle Detection and Tracking in Highway Video Footage Detect vehicles and track them in a video! Using HOG features, an SVM and heatmap to find cars and track them in each frame of video.
Machine Learning Udacity Self-Driving Car System Integration Project Final project for the Udacity Self-Driving Car Nanodegree: Programming a Real Self-Driving Car. Using ROS to integrate the planning, traffic light detection and vehicle controls.
Machine Learning Visualizing Key NFL Team Data on Win Conditions Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning techniques have been used in the past to predict NFL game outcomes. Let's explore the data and find some correlations.
AWS New Amazon HTTP API Gateway With Lambda Integration and Custom Authorizer with Auth0 Launch a new AWS HTTP API Gateway with custom Auth0 authorizer and lambda integration in 5 minutes.
AWS Adobe Premiere High-Performance Remote Workstation in AWS Have your own Adobe Premiere high-performance remote workstation in AWS where you can easily store and work with your high-res content.
AWS AWS CloudFormation DB Instance Type Snippets When creating AWS CloudFormation templates that have DB instance type parameters, populating the allowed values list to validate the instance type string can be tedious. Here are some sets of DB instance types that can be copy-pasted into the "AllowedValues" field of your AWS CloudFormation DB instance type parameter. View
AWS AWS CloudFormation EC2 Instance Type Snippets Here are some easy sets of EC2 instance types that can be copy-pasted into the "AllowedValues" field of your AWS CloudFormation instance type parameter field.
Academic Color Generation in Morpho Wings and Possible Replication Methods Structural colors have special properties that differ from colors produced by pigments. These include intensity patterns that change under different orientations and brilliant sparkling or glistening on the surface.
vim Minimal and Clean Vim Airline Theme Remove the noisy colors in your Vim Airline theme. No status line background, no bright highlights, just low contrast text. Minimal use of color where needed.
vim Quickly Format and Indent JSON Files in a vim Buffer Skip the online JSON formatters! Run this directly in the vim command line and your minified JSON will be indented and readable, in your current buffer.
Academic Hill Model Simulation and Functional Electrical Stimulation While some have characterized the wrist as a second order system, the focus here is fitting a more complex fourth order model that accurately represents observed responses and muscle activity [1].
Academic Improving Brain Computer Interface Prediction by Measuring Eye Position and Focus Eye tracking devices allow patients with locked-in syndrome to communicate by tracking eye movement through infrared sensing. Can we use this in conjunction with BCIs to improve accuracy?
Academic Brain-Computer Interface: Motor Neuron Simulation Movements of the human body have been shown to correlate to neurons in the motor cortex of the brain and spinal cord.
vim Close All Other Splits (windows) in vim If you work with multiple splits and want to focus on only the current window, you may find yourself jumping around closing all other windows.
vim Auto Save and Load Views in vim Simple vimrc addition to automatically save your buffer's view and load it the next time you open the file.
vim Making netrw Clean and Minimally Disruptive. Then Stop Using It. Before jumping to a project drawer/file browser plugin, let's make netrw clean and minimally disruptive. Then stop using it.
Academic Simple State Space Model of a Pendulum This is the first post of a series that will build on simple pendulum dynamics to investigate different control laws and how model uncertainty affects the linear model approximation. Pendulum Model We will start by deriving the equations of motion for the simple pendulum shown below. The mass $m$ is
Academic Feedback Linearization - Its Performance and Limitations The goal is to design a feedback control law that perfectly cancels the nonlinear term in the pendulum dynamics. For this simple example, the derivation is straightforward and the performance difference is easily observed.
vim Can You Give Up Your Arrow Keys in Vim? Disable the arrow keys in vim and you will quickly build better habits for navigating pages, paragraphs, lines and words.
vim Vim Override Specific Highlights in a Color Scheme Without Changing its File Until recently I've always forked vim color schemes and tweaked a few bits, most often the background color. I use vim-plug and I didn't want to lose my changes so I'd fork, edit, commit and push- tedious and annoying.
Academic Testing Full State Feedback Controller on Nonlinear Pendulum Dynamics We'll observe the response of a simple nonlinear pendulum by using a control law derived from linear analysis and test its performance.
vim Vim Jump to Next and Previous Blank Line After arriving at a page using ctrl + u or ctrl + d, jumping to the next or previous blank line can help navigate quicker than j and k.