Machine Learning Neural Network Architecture for Detecting Traffic Signs Design a convolutional neural network to classify traffic signs. Starting with the LeNet architecture and improving its generalization and accuracy.
Machine Learning Vehicle Detection and Tracking in Highway Video Footage Detect vehicles and track them in a video! Using HOG features, an SVM and heatmap to find cars and track them in each frame of video.
Machine Learning Udacity Self-Driving Car System Integration Project Final project for the Udacity Self-Driving Car Nanodegree: Programming a Real Self-Driving Car. Using ROS to integrate the planning, traffic light detection and vehicle controls.
Machine Learning Visualizing Key NFL Team Data on Win Conditions Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning techniques have been used in the past to predict NFL game outcomes. Let's explore the data and find some correlations.
Academic Brain-Computer Interface: Motor Neuron Simulation Movements of the human body have been shown to correlate to neurons in the motor cortex of the brain and spinal cord.